DDW assignment
Jessica den Hertog: circular thinking
Jessica is a designer focused on finding new ways to work with plastic and products in order to make them more circular. She speaks very enthusiastically about her work and is very driven by process. She is very focused on making sure her work has a positive impact and lets herself be driven by this goal.
In this livestream (-->) that I attended, they were discussing circular thinking.

- textiles made of plastics (not fashion items as this would result in microplastics when washing)

- warnings on clothing similar to cigarette warnings (to raise awareness)

- when an item of clothing has a story, it has more meaning for people and they are more likely to keep it longer

- "flat pack couture": people assemble their own fashion items. Teaches people how long it takes to produce items and makes the items more personal.
"The first 100% circular and modular sneaker. No glue and no stitching."