100 manipulations of
20 materials from my area
rubbing the material to extract color
rubbing the material to extract color
rubbing the material to extract color
rubbing the material to extract color
rubbing the material to extract color
rubbing the material to extract color
rubbing the material to extract color
rubbing the material to extract color
rubbing the material to extract color
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
printing the texture of the material
using glue to create a clay-like consistency from sand
changing the texture and transparency of the material
using glue to create a clay-like consistency from small pieces of cardboard
using glue to create a clay-like consistency
creating a dust from the material
boiling the material --> created a translucency in the leaves
using glue to create a clay-like consistency from dried leaves
soaking the paper overnight to create a sort of pulp --> the water that resulted didn't have any color
soaking the paper overnight to create a sort of pulp --> the water that resulted had quite a bit of color
soaking the paper overnight to create a sort of pulp --> the water that resulted had a little bit of color
baking the leaf at 175˚ for 2 mins --> created a crinkled texture
creating a dust from dried leaves
burning the leaf created a really cool edge of ash
creating a dust from dried leaves
burning the material
burning the leaf (this one didn't burn that much, it was scorched)
baking the flower at 175˚ for 2 mins
baking the material at 175˚ for 2 mins
baking the material at 175˚ for 2 mins
burning the material
rehydrating a dehydrated leaf --> very stiff/leathery
boiling the leaf --> made it translucent and the water was green on the bottom
boiling the material
creating a paste from the material
burning the material
boiling the material
burning the material
boiling the material
boiling the material
boiling the material
boiling the material
boiling the material
boiling the material
peeling the material
slicing the material
chopping the material
and bending
inverting the material
twisting the material (not very twisty --> it tore more than it twisted)
creating a dust from dried leaves
peeling the material
cutting and weaving the material
creating a rope from the material (strong)
stretching the material (cool new texture)
cutting the material - new transparency
pulling the material using scissors - created a twist in the plastic
covering the material with clear glue - created a bendable, leathery texture
slicing the material - cross section
soaking the material overnight - now bendable
mixing sand with water to create a sludge
"sandpaper" --> sand glued to paper
baked sand --> no effect
pressure applied to sand --> no effect
cutting the material - cross section
weaving the material
soaking the material - more loose
scratching the material to change the texture
cutting the material - changes strength/transparency
opening up the handle of the bag - cross section --> interesting texture and folds (more material used than expected)
cutting the material - textile
cutting the material - cross section --> interesting texture on the inside
weaving the material
weaving the material
baking the material at 175˚ for 2 mins --> barely any effect (just drier)
cutting away everything except the veins of the leaf
using friction to alter strength of paper (softer + new texture)
ripping to cut the material (soft + new transparency)
twisted material (strong vertically, not horizontally)
cutting + flattening the material - cross section
soaking the material in water - more flexible
weaving the material
puncturing the material (softer feel)
removing other material from inside cap (deconstructing)
deforming material (very sharp)
carving into the material - tried to carve the paw but lines were too precise for my knife
stacking the material
scratching the material